Thursday, October 24, 2013

U.N DAY 2013: United Nations Fact Game

In celebration of the United Nations day of 2013, I prepared an Interactive Game for you!

Instructions: Below are 10 statements, 8 of which show facts about the United Nations, 2 of which are just false and random. You guess which statements are false / wrong. Good luck!

Answers will be posted on Monday, 28 October.

1: The Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations (currently) is from Sweden. His name is Jan Eliasson. 

2: The first session of the General Assembly of the United Nations was on 10 January 1947, held in New York City.

3: When the U.N was founded, there was 51 original member states. Examples of these original members were Australia, the Philippines and Mexico.

4: The U.N has six official languages, Arabic, French, English, Chinese, Russian and Spanish. 

5: The United Nations was founded in 1945, to replace the League of Nations, and to stop wars among countries.

6: The U.N has lots of specialized agencies, an example would be the Food and Agriculture Association (FAO), currently based in Rome. 

7: There have been eight secretary-generals currently (2013), since the founding of this organization. Only two of which from Asia. 

8: There are currently 195 member states of the United Nations, examples of which are Ghana, Thailand, Austria and Bolivia. 

9: The U.N headquarters is currently in New York City, with more main offices in Vienna, Geneva and Nairobi. 

10: The United Nations Security Council was established in 1946.

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